Amendments to the Bylaws
The activities of Mt. Diablo Business Women are governed by our bylaws, which have been approved by members. Below are proposed additions to the bylaws in the areas of dues payment by general members, qualification and dues payment for our new Student Member classification, and how resignations from the MDBW Board of Directors will be handled going forward. If you’re a MDBW member, you’ll soon receive an email for voting on whether you accept these additions to the bylaws.
For General Members
Any member delinquent in payment of membership dues shall forfeit membership until such time as they are no longer in arrears of payment.
Add Student Member classification as follows:
​Qualification: To qualify for student membership they must present a student ID card.
Section l Good Standing: A member who is current in their dues is in good standing.
Section 2 Dues
a. New members shall pay a full year’s student discounted dues upon making an application for membership.
b. Dues shall be payable annually on the member’s anniversary date.
c. Any member delinquent in payment of membership dues shall forfeit membership.
Section 3 Voting
Any member in good standing is eligible to vote.
Regarding a vacancy in a Board of Directors position:
Any board member who must vacate her position is required to give the BOD 30 days notice of such vacancy. They are requested to assist in finding a replacement for her position.
According to the bylaws, we need a 1/4 vote of members in good standing. We can request they do this within ten days of the notification of the amendments.